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Before coming abroad, I absolutely did not think I would be interning/volunteering for the semester.


Throughout college, I’ve become incredibly overinvolved and as a result, wanted my semester in Copenhagen to be a little less stressful. Because of this, I decided I wasn’t going to get a job or internship so I could enjoy my time abroad.


However, as per usual, things didn’t quite go to plan. One of my absolute favorite parts about DIS is all the incredible guest speakers our professors bring to class.


One day, in my Gender Perspectives on Human Rights course, an entrepreneur and activist, Mary Consolata Namagambe, came to speak to us. She founded her own company called “She for She” which helps women around the world have access to menstrual hygiene through the production of reusable pads.


Hearing Mary’s passion for her company and issues of race and identity was incredibly inspiring. After, this class, one of my classmates, Anna, told me she was interning for her for the semester. I asked if I could join, and they both agreed.


From then on, I have been working with Mary as an intern. Anna and I have helped redesign the company’s website, created internship applications, started a LinkedIn for the company, and run She for She’s social media platforms.


This has been one of the best parts of my study abroad experience. Not only have I been able to apply my expertise throughout the semester, but I have also gained a mentor. Beyond this, I also feel like I have given a little something back to Copenhagen.


This post is not to say that everyone should get an internship.


My advice would be to take advantage of the resources available to you. DIS provides a list of volunteer and employment opportunities every semester. You can even reach out to your professors and ask if they have any ideas for what you could do.


Working for She for She has been such an unexpected yet rewarding experience and I’m so glad I chose to intern with Mary. I’ve learned so much from her and I feel like I’ve truly been able to give back to a company with an unbelievable mission.

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