Tomorrow is the day. Since I started college I have been planning for the semester I would study abroad. For almost a year now I have chosen Copenhagen as the location for this experience. It’s crazy to think that after months of planning the time is finally here.
Somehow tonight I have managed to pack my life into a large suitcase and a carry-on. Being in college has apparently turned me into a light packer. Even my mom was surprised that I managed to do this.
For the past few weeks, I’ve been spending time with my family and serving as a tour guide for my aunt, uncle, and cousin who came to visit in DC. Because of this, I haven’t taken the time to fully think about the fact that for the next four months I’ll be living in a country I’ve never been to. From what I’ve been told this will be one of the most meaningful experiences of my life.
To be honest, I don’t like making up expectations in my head for what my time abroad will be like. I’m sure there will be incredible times full of memories and new experiences as well as other times where I’ll be feeling anxious and homesick.
This is part of why I’ve chosen to document my time in Copenhagen. Hopefully writing everything down will not only help me reflect on my time in Denmark but will also help others who are thinking of going on the same journey.